Neil D. Fleming

Designer of the VARK questionnaire and associated resources.

Neil Fleming has been a learner and a teacher.  His main research interest has been in how people learn and how they use their modality preferences in their communication.  His full-time teaching was divided between secondary, teacher education and university (Lincoln University, New Zealand) with ample recognition of his teaching and research prowess in those three sectors. For the past twenty years he has been facilitating active workshops on a variety of topics in North America, Asia and Europe travelling there in spring and fall. He has been the main author of the VARK books available online on this website. Recently he has been in demand for work with customer service applications of the VARK principles in business educational environments. He has also been working with elite sports coaches on a learning-preferences approach to coaching individuals and teams. Apart from managing the interesting contacts with the VARK website he has frequent grandchildren duties, has two beehives on his urban property, tends his collection of 80 heritage roses and makes solid wood furniture as hobbies.

A Brief Biography of Charles C Bonwell

Co-Author and contributor to VARK’s development.

Charles C. Bonwell, directed Centers for Teaching and Learning at the Saint Louis College of Pharmacy (1993-1998) and Southeast Missouri State University (1990-1993). As an instructional consultant, he has facilitated over 200 workshops nationally and internationally for faculty and teaching assistants on active learning and critical thinking, and has given the keynote address at numerous regional, national, and international conferences. He is co-author of the best-selling ASHE-ERIC monograph Active Learning: Creating Excitement in the Classroom (1991).